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These are books by scientists, professors, teachers, engineers, and layman on topics that are often considered to be "outside" of mainstream science. Here you will find them listed in alphabetical order.
Pages in category "Book"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,452 total.
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- The ABC of Evolution
- The Absolute Relations of Time and Space
- Absolute or Relative Motion?: Volume 2, The Deep Structure of General Relativity
- Absolute or Relative Motion?: Volume 1, The Discovery of Dynamics: A Study from a Machian Point of View of the Discovery and the Structure of Dynamical Theories
- Absolute Space, Absolute Time, & Absolute Motion
- Absurdities in Modern Physics: A Solution
- Advanced Electromagnetism: Foundations, Theory and Applications
- Advanced Electromagnetism and Vacuum Physics (World Scientific Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics, 21)
- Advanced Topics on Astrophysical and Space Plasmas
- Advances in Chemical Physics, Modern Nonlinear Optics (3 Book Set, Volume 119)
- Advances in Fundamental Physics
- Advances in Understanding the Fundamentals of Nature
- The Adventure Safaris Creation Science Dinosaur Dig Workbook, Designed for learning how to excavate, mold, repair, and construct dinosaurs as well as skeletons of present day animals.
- The Aerodynamics of Powered Flight
- AERODYNAMICSSS - The Dandelion Puff Principle - Point Energy Creation Physics
- The Aether, Gravity, and Anti-Gravity
- Aether Science Papers
- Aether-Magnetism
- Aethro-Dynamics
- Aethro-Kinematics: The Reinstatement of Common Sense - an Alternate Solution to the Problems of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology
- Age of the Cosmos (ICR Technical Monograph, No. 9)
- The Age of the Earth (ICR Technical Monograph, No. 7)
- The Age of the Solar System: A Study of the Poynting-Robertson Effect and Extinction of Interplanetary Dust (ICR Technical Monograph, No. 6)
- The Age of Velikovsky
- AIDS: Biological Warfare
- Albert Einstein e Olinto De Pretto: La Vera Storia Della Formula Piu Famosa del Mondo
- Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist
- Albert Einstein oder Der Irrtum eines Jahrhunderts
- Albert Einstein un Extraordinaire Paradoxe: Contributions de Maurice Allais ? la physique exp?rimentale et th?orique
- Albert Was Right - God Does Not Play Dice
- Alphabet of the Heart: Sacred Geometry, The Genesis in Principle of Language and Feeling
- Alternative Science: Challenging the Myths of the Scientific Establishment
- The Amateur Scientist
- Ampere-Neumann Electrodynamics of Metals
- Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology
- Announcing the Discovery of a New Fundamental Constant of Nature
- The Anomalous Origins of Einstein's Relativity Theory
- The Anpheon
- Anticipations of Einstein in the General Theory of Relativity
- Antigravity: The Dream Made Reality
- Antirelativus
- Some Applications of Nonstandard Analysis to Advanced Undergraduate Mathematics -- Infinitesimal Modeling, Elementary Physics, Generalized Functions
- Applied Modern 20th Century Aether Science (Special Update 2001 edition)
- Aqua Soil
- Archimedes, the Center of Gravity, and the First Law of Mechanics: The Law of the Lever
- Archimedes or the Future of Physics
- From the Archives of Lester J. Hendershot
- Arcturus By Dawn
- Arquimedes, o Centro de Gravidade e a Lei da Alavanca
- Articles from the Scientific Press
- The Ascent of Man: Downhill All the Way
- Assumption and Myth in Physical Theory
- Astrogeology, Origin and Destiny of the Earth
- Astronomical Theory of Ice Ages: New Approximations, Solutions and Challenges
- Astroparticle, Particle And Space Physics, Detectors And Medical Physics Applications: Proceedings of the 10th Conference Villa Olmo, Como Italy 8-12 October 2007
- Atlas of Continental Displacement, 200 Million Years to the Present
- Atlin - Knowing I AM
- Atmosperic Electrostatics
- The Atom
- Atomic Structure
- Atoms, Stars and Minds: Synthesizing an Elementary Particle That Comprehends Itself (FBP Copernican Series, V. 3)
- Autodynamics: Fundamental Basis for a New Relativistic Mechanics
- Autodynamics: Storm in Physics
- Automated Detecting Devices (An Investigation into the Possibility of an Automatic Radionic Detector)
- Back to Newton: A Challenge to Einsteins Theory of Relativity
- Ball Lightning: The Great Hopes and the Great Fears
- Ball Lightning & Tesla's Electric Fireballs
- Bankrupting Physics
- Bards: Music for Community and Healing
- Through the Barrier: The Collected Papers of Edgar A. Ostrander
- Basic Concepts of Physics: The Five Great Theories
- The Basic Equations of Relativistic Physics
- Basic Properties of Matter
- Basic Structures of Matter - Supergravitation Unified Theory
- A Beginner's View of Our Electric Universe
- Bells Theorem, Quantum Theory and Conceptions of the Universe (Fundamental Theories of Physics)
- ?ber Gravitation
- Best of Health in ExtraOrdinary Science
- From Betelgeuse with Love
- Beweis, weshalb die Einsteinsche Relativit?ts-Theorie ad acta zu legen ist
- Beyond the Big Bang: Ancient Myth and the Science of Continuous Creation
- Beyond 2001: The Laws of Physics Revolutionized
- Beyond Physics: Or, The Idealisation of Mechanism
- The Big Bang Blasted
- The Big Bang Exploded ! Cosmology Corrected, A Commentary With Thermodynamics
- The Big Bang Never Happened: A Startling Refutation of the Dominant Theory of the Origin of the Universe
- Before the Big Bang: The Origins of the Universe
- The Big Bang Theory is Dead
- The Big Breed Theory of the Creation of the Universe
- A Big Howler, Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity
- The Big Splash: A Scientific Discovery That Revolutionizes the Way We View the Origin of Life, the Water We Drink, the Death of the Dinosaurs, the Creation of the Oceans, the Nature of the Cosmos, and
- Bioelectromagnetic Healing, its History and a Rationale for its Use
- Biogeography in a Changing World
- Biological Transmutations
- The Bladeless Tesla Turbine As Developed By CR Jake Possell
- The Blueprint of Creation
- Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life
- The Body Magnetic & Getting Started in Magnetic Healing
- ?????????????, ??????????, ??????? ? ?????? ?????
- A Model of the Physical World: A Speculative Essay in Natural Philosophy
- A Philosophy of Space & Time
- Ampere s Electrodynamics - Analysis of the Meaning and Evolution of Ampere s Force between Current Elements, together with a Complete Translation of His Masterpiece: Theory of Electrodynamic Phenomena
- Beyond Einstein and E=mc2
- Beyond Newton and Archimedes
- Gravitics ? The Physics of the Behavior and Control of Gravitation
- A Book in Every Home Containing Three Subjects: Ed's Sweet Sixteen, Domestic and Political Views
- The Boy Who Invented Television: A Story Of Inspiration, Persistence, And Quiet Passion
- Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World
- Bridge From Nowhere II: The Photonic Origin of Matter
- Bridge From Nowhere: A Story of Space, Motion, and the Structure of Matter
- Brown's Gas: Die unnerschoepfliche Energiequelle
- Bubble Earth: A philosophical treatise on gravity, time and the concept of hollow planets.
- How to Build Your Own Flying Saucer or Mothership
- Bush-Cheney Energy Study: Analysis of the National Energy Policy
- Bye Bye Big Bang: Hello Reality
- C The Speed of Light, A Tale of Scientific Blunder
- Capacitance Theory of Gravity
- Carbon Dating, Cold Fusion, and a Curve Ball
- The Case Against Einstein
- The Case Against the Nuclear Atom
- Catalogue of Discordant Redshift Associations
- Cats, Atoms, Gyrons, Aether, and the Universe
- The Catt Anomaly: Science Beyond the Crossroads
- The Catt Concept: The New Industrial Darwinism
- Causal Mechanics
- Causal Quantum Theory
- Causality, Electromagnetic Induction, and Gravitation: A Different Approach to the Theory of Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields
- Causality and Locality in Modern Physics (Fundamental Theories of Physics)
- The Cause of Gravitation
- Cavitation of High Speed Marine Propellers
- Challenging Modern Physics: Questioning Einstein's Relativity Theories
- Challenging Science: Simple Explanations to Some Complicated Science Enigmas
- A Challenging of Traditional Mathematics and Special Relativity: An Underground Publication
- Chaotic Climate Dynamics
- Chapter 2 - Catalogue of Errors for Both Theories of Relativity
- Chapter 9 - The Thought Experiment
- Chapter 7 Well Cementing and Completion
- Chapter 6 Well Control
- Chapter 5 Design and Control of Well Trajectory
- Chapter 3 Drilling Fluids
- Chapter 8 Other Drilling Operations
- Part 1 of Chapter 2 Drilling Tools
- Part 2 of Chapter 2 Drilling Tools
- Chapter 1 Engineering Geology of Drilling
- Chapter 4 Optimization of Drilling Parameters
- Characteristics of Photon-Coupled Systems (Technical report - Electronics Laboratories, Stanford University)
- Charge Polarized Nuclei
- Chord of Life Aura Chart Handbook
- Circle Gardening: Producing Food by Genesa Principles
- The Claim for Minimum Contradictions
- Classical Physics, Part III: High-Velocity Mechanics
- Classical Physics, Part II: Axiomatics & Low-Velocity Mechanics
- Classical Physics, Part IV: Gravimagretism
- Classical Physics, Part I: Mathematical Apparatus
- Classical Physics, Part V: Electromagnetism
- Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics and the B(3) Field
- Classical Quantum Theory
- Classically Derived Quanta, Uncertainty & Relativity
- The Clock and the Arrow: A Brief Theory of Time
- The Coherent Universe: An Introduction to Geoffrey Reads New Fundamental Theory of Matter Life and Mind
- Cold Fusion: Clean Energy for the Future
- Cold Fusion and the Future
- Cold Fusion Impact in the Enhanced Energy Age
- The Collapsing Universe
- Collected Properties & Writings of J. G. Gallimore
- The Four Color Problem
- The Coming Energy Revolution: The Search for Free Energy
- Common Sense and Humour in Physics
- Back to Common Sense and Newtons Laws
- Common Sense Physics: Electromagnetic Energy from Antennas to Atoms
- The Complete Works on CD-ROM
- The Complex Secret of Dr. T. Henry Moray
- Computational Thermodynamics (draft of up-coming book)
- Concepts of Force: A Study in the Foundations of Dynamics
- Concepts of Mass in Classical and Modern Physics
- Concepts of Modern Physics: the Haifa Lectures
- Concepts of Simultaneity: From Antiquity to Einstein and Beyond
- Concepts of Space: The History of Theories of Space in Physics
- Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers
- Condensed Matter Nuclear Science: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cold Fusion: Marseilles, France, 31 October-5 November 2004
- Condensed Matter Nuclear Science: Proceedings Of The 10th International Conference On Cold Fusion; Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 21-29 August, 2003
- Condensed Matter Nuclear Science: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Yokohama, Japan 27 November-2 December 2005
- Conflict and Morality: A Study of Human Behaviour and Attitudes
- Are You Conscious, and Can You Prove It?: Short Science Essays
- Controlled Nucleosynthesis: Breakthroughs in Experiment and Theory
- The Cooling Continuum: The Rise and Fall of Species on Earth (FBP Copernican Series, V. 2)
- The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind UFOs
- The Cosmological Principles
- Cosmological Tendencies : A Changed Complexion at the Menches Convention
- The Cosmologist's Second: The Riddle of Time in Theories of the Universe (Anomalies : Alternatives to Contemporary Orthodoxies)
- Cosmology
- Cosmology: Evolution of and in the Universe
- Cosmology in a Nature Consisting of Energy
- Creation: The Physical Truth
- Creation Solved?
- The Crisis of Theoretical Physics
- Critical Aspects of the Plate Tectonics Theory, Vol II: The Importance of Transcurrence Phenomena in Mountain Building
- A Critical Look at the Theory of Relativity